
We welcome everybody to Dadford Road, camping near Silverstone. 

Inevitably with an outdoor event on a farm there are some site restrictions that may make it difficult for some visitors.

We therefore wish to make you aware of the following:


All camping and parking is outdoors on grass.

The nature of the land is that parts of it are not flat and so access by wheel chair may be difficult and awkward. This means gently sloping land and uneven areas.

Our land drains well, but in wet weather conditions it is a quite possible for the land to get churned up, get muddy and rutted in areas of high traffic.  This means that land can be slippery under foot and with it being farm land there is danger of tripping.

Please note that we have a policy of staying parked at your pitch at all times, unless you are leaving the site completely or to drive to Silverstone, this means you may have a long walk and it is NOT possible to drive on site to be nearer Silverstone as this causes gridlock/chaos at F1/MotoGP


Some of the parts of the campsite are flat, please ask for advice on the best areas depending on your needs.

We do not have any dedicated disabled camping pitches as we work on a choose your own pitch basis.

Disability obviously  comes in all sorts of forms, some need the shortest walk to Silverstone, others the shortest walk to the loo, so with our site being long and thin as it is, it’s difficult to allocate the perfect Disabled camping area frustratingly.

Unfortunately the best flat pitches are away from our main toilet and shower block, so please bear this in mind.

Visitors need to weigh up the best camping spot for their own needs and you are welcome to drive around the site to find the best place for you.

We will be happy to help you if we can, but is best for you to choose your own site that works for your needs

*Please note F1 & Moto GP Electric hook up pitches (EHUs) are situated at the back of the campsite, 900m  + away from the entrance.* That’s a long walk. for some this could be 30-40 minute walk to Club Corner. 

In addition, please note that Non Electric pitches can also be a long walk as the later you come the further back you will be in the camping fields, with 30 min + walk to Silverstone

For F1 and Moto GP – remember that the site fills up as the week progresses, so the earlier you come the more options you may have!


If you have a disabled badge then we will try and help, but just can not promise what might be available as the site can get very busy.

However you also need to be aware our site requires a walk on a main road with NO footway. This means walking on the grass verge.  This is a countryside verge, mown to some extent, but rough in places and up and down at drainage points

This makes it very difficult for wheelchairs and push chairs. . It’s fine to walk along, just not an easy mission to push a pushchair or wheelchair.

We would not recommend wheelchairs, electric scooters or push chairs be pushed down the road. This is a busy and fast road (particularly at main events when people have been watching fast cars!) Your safety is important and so please bear this in mind.   Silverstone may have disabled sites that are better for your needs.

Charging Electric Scooter Batteries – you could book an electric hook up pitch for F1/MotoGP, but note the very long walk and that we don’t recommend scooters are suitable to get to Silverstone easily – see above.  We may be able to help you charge batteries on our gate at your own risk, please email to discuss – [email protected]  We will do our best to help if we can.

Please note that there may be a footbridge over the main road to cross to get to Silverstone, there is usually a disabled path too, but road crossing is dangerous.


We do have a couple of disabled toilets and shower wet rooms within our facilities which has been designed to be accessible to all; it includes grab rails and a chair that can be sat under the shower.  Please ask for details and how you can access, although all toilets/showers are available to all campers, not just reserved for those less able.

The toilet and showers are approached by concrete walkways but please bear in mind that our pitches are on grass and the ground surrounding on toilet/ shower block is grass which on occasions can be wet.


Silverstone circuit itself has dedicated disabled camping and parking much nearer the action which you may find suits your needs better.  Silverstone have an Accessibility Page that might be useful to you: Silverstone Accessibility


You are most welcome to come and visit our site to see if is suitable for your needs and you can do that at any time, so if you want to have a drive down to see us – please do!  Call us.


Please also  have a look at the photos below and  in our gallery which might give you a better insight to our campsite and parking.

There is a video below too – that shows what it’s like leaving the campsite and walking to Silverstone from our field nearest Silverstone.


It best just to ask us – give us a call and we can talk through our site and your needs, so we can help you make the best decision for you.


If you are registered blind or partially sighted then you are most welcome to bring your guide dog with you.  Please ensure you have your certificates with you.

However, general pets are absolutely NOT allowed in site. This is a working farm so there is a risk to farm animals from dogs worms and animal worrying and indeed upsetting other campers on site

We know that most dog owners are lovely responsible people, but we have learned our lesson and can not accept dogs under any circumstances for the safety of the farm animals and other customers.

Please be aware we are really strict about bringing dogs and other animals on site – Feel free to email us beforehand in relation to this if you wish to.  – [email protected]

Looking from our Entrance back along the Dadford Road towards Silverstone - note the wide verge

Wide verge just outside the campsite boundary on the Dadford Road