Frequently Asked Questions – Scroll down for more!

General FAQ

It is 500m from our nearest pedestrian exit gate on to the main road to Silverstone Gate West 13/15 on Club Corner. There is no footpath, but there is a grass verge of varying widths to walk along, for most of the 500m.  We would not recommend push chairs or wheelchairs on the main road. For F1 & Moto GP, a pedestrian bridge over the Dadford Road may be in operation.

F1 and Moto GP – it gets busy and the walk gets longer!
Please bear in mind that when the campsite is busy for F1 and Moto GP, that you may well have a longer walk as you will be further in to our site, but a 10-20 brisk minute walk from your car/tent should do it easy to Club Corner!  Please note however that the electric hook up pitches are at the back of our campsite and so can be  30 -40 min plus walk to Club Corner. Non electric camping for F1 can by late Friday/ Saturday be 30min walk to Silverstone.

Out of season or for smaller events please note the nearest Silverstone gate isn’t always open. The next nearest gate is a 10-15 min walk from our site.  The main entrance for ticket collection etc, would be 20-25 min walk from the Campsite.

For the vast majority of events the traffic is a doddle and you could drive up in a matter of minutes and park at Silverstone – just watch out for big events though as some times they have parking charges  rather than free parking!

Absolutely Not, We are sorry but we can not accept Dogs (except Guide Dogs) or any other pets on site.

This is a working farm so there is a risk to farm animals from dog worms and animal worrying.

We know that lots of dog owners are lovely responsible people, but we have learned our lesson and can not accept dogs under any circumstances for the safety of farm animals and other customers.

If you come on site with a dog or pet, you will be asked to leave immediately without refund.

Parking: You must leave site at the end of the day and not return until after 5am the following day. unless you are Long Stay Parking, where your Car can stay parked overnight, but not slept in.
Camping: Is staying over night and the following day. Camping prices therefore apply.
If you are sleeping in your car,van or any vehicle‚ camping prices still apply.

The only time there may be a queue is on the F1 Grand Prix Sunday or
Moto GP Sunday‚ just after the race, when lots of people want to go
home at the same time. There are queues getting out of Silverstone
everywhere at this point!. However, by parking/camping with us, you have
already cut out the main Silverstone carpark queues, so you should be
ahead of the game!

By far the *best advice to avoid queues* is to delay your departure,
*stay on at Silverstone**until 7pm* *on Sunday * and enjoy the after
races and after race entertainment, or if you are camping and it is
sunshining, sit in the sun (hopefully!) and enjoy yourself and leave
when there is no queue! Much less stressful for you than joining the
traffic! Better still -*stay until Monday!* You are welcome to keep
your tent up on Sunday and do the packing up after the race while other
people clog up the roads with their cars!

Please note that if you do stay Sunday night after f1 – there is
sometimes a queue at 9.30am getting on to the A43 – its usually better
to go towards Buckingham (right out of our gate)

Yes you can‚ ideally email us to advise, no need to wait for a response, just pay accordingly on arrival.

For Moto GP and F1 Hook up – you can update your booking online here 

Most of the time yes, however at very busy times (Ie after the main F1 or MotoGP Race) the police sometimes make the main road one way for BOTH lanes which means you may need to turn right towards Dadford/Buckingham.  The police make these decisions depending on traffic and so we have no control over it. Often the police will ask you to turn right out of our gate.  The M1 and  M40 are always signed posted which ever way you exit.

However to go back towards Silverstone is generally madness at these busy times for obvious reasons!

Silverstone circuit and surrounding area is a NO-fly zone. The official line from the police is as follows:
* Leave drones at home – you will not be able to fly them legally or safely either at the circuit or in the nearby campsites.
* A two-mile flying restriction cordon will be in place around the circuit heliport. This means that no drones will be allowed to fly within that cordon unless they have approval from the heliport tower.
* Police officers will be looking out for unauthorised use of drones during their regular patrols of the circuit and campsites, and anyone found to be breaking the rules with regard to the relevant legislation will be spoken to and appropriate action taken.
* The relevant legislation:
*Flights must be safe:*Article 94 (2) of the Air Navigation Order 2016 (amended 2019), states that ‘the remote pilot of a small unmanned aircraft may only fly the aircraft if reasonably satisfied that the flight can safely be made’. With the number of people expected at the circuit and the campsites, it will not be possible to fly a drone safely in these areas.
*Small unmanned surveillance aircraft:*(Article 95 of the Air Navigation Order 2016 (amended 2019): As many drones have cameras fitted, they would be classed as small unmanned surveillance aircraft and these are not allowed to be flown (without written permission from the CAA) within
50m of a person, vehicle or structure, over or within 150m of a congested area or an organised assembly of more than 1,000 people.
If an offence is believed to have been committed, under section 19 (3) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, officers have the power to seize the drone as it may contain evidence of that offence.

If your booking confirmation email does not reach you, don’t worry we will have space for you! Just email  [email protected] and we will resend to you!

When you email – please advise your Name, Event, Email address, Arrival Day, How long you would like to stay

Yes for F1 and Moto GP – but check the days & times of availability!

Generally no for all ‘Other Events’

Sorry No, once you are on site, and you decide to depart early (due to poor weather or any other reason) then we don’t give refunds

If you know well in advance that you only want to stay one night, for say the F1 Thursday night Concert,  then please contact us for advice on [email protected]

Yes, there are three taxi companies in the area.

BRACKXI 24 hour taxi service – 01280 700 600

MK Towcester Cabs – 01908 477 121

R&R Cars – 01280 822 222, 814 239, 823 636

*We have no affiliation or association with these taxi companies*

Try to ascertain how near to Silverstone Taxi’s can actually get you – some times they are restricted from getting close to the circuit

Camping FAQ

Camping on Electric Hook Up:  Yes – Use your booking number and surname then click ‘Amend booking’

Camping Non Electric:

Firstly work out if it is cheaper to just book an extra pitch –

Remember: Non Electric – even if you have different bookings, you can camp together. Ideally arrive together and find a pitch to suit you all. Otherwise the first to arrive can find space and spread out to give enough room for the rest.

If you still want to add to your non elecric  pitch – You can rebook & get refunded, costs £1 admin. See below how:

Camping (No Electric) 
  • You can ADD Only to your booking  but  it is not possible to add to the existing ticket.
  • It needs to be exchanged.
  • This must be completed no later than 24 hours before the original event date.
  • Please re book and pay on this link .
  • Then  request a refund of your original booking via Ticketsource (less £1 admin fee).
  • Email TicketSource via [email protected] with your original booking reference and your new booking reference, clearly indicating which set of tickets you would like to cancel.
  • TicketSource will then be able to refund your booking for the original event, minus any delivery fees and including a £1 admin charge.
  • The money should arrive in your account within 10 working days.
  • If your new ticket is less than the original ticket – the lower price ticket will NOT be Refunded as only Amendments that Increase amount payable are allowable.

Yes you can – just drop us an email to advise of the changes – [email protected].

No need to wait for a reply.


You’ll have to pay for extra adults, even if you haven’t got any children.

Non Electric Hook Up Pitches are unlimited – have as much space as you like and it’s fine to put up a gazebo and your caravan/campervan Awning.

Hook up Pitches are limited to 8m x 7m as the cabling dictates pitch size.   You must ensure you can get everything including your car in to this pitch size, so if your awning is fine as long as you don’t spill over in to the neighbours pitch!

Just please be mindful of fire risk and make sure your ‘living’ accommodation, ie tent/caravan isn’t back to back with the neighbours tent/caravan – just in a case a gas canister explodes and there is a fire it is better that sleeping units are not back to back.

Have a look at our  Pitches-Explained Diagram

So if you are all in one Tent/one caravan – there are two ways to deal with this:

Either book two pitches to cover you all.

Or Add additional Adults and Additional cars to your booking.

Work out which is the cheaper option and booking that accordingly.

If you are arriving separately you MUST book separate bookings as each entry requires one QR code to be scanned on arrival

See Pitch Prices Explained on the relevant booking page. If in doubt  just email us and ask! [email protected]

The campsite/parking  opens for arrivals from 5am.  Last arrivals before DUSK so that you can set up before dark, and are less likely to cause injury to other campers or their property.

Yes it is!  We are very pleased to advise we now have permanent hot showers!  We have had lots of really positive feedback about them, and they are FREE too!

Note Re Showers – If you are coming camping for small events (ie not F1 or Moto GP) – please text 07802 831777 with a request for ‘Hot Showers Please!’, so we can make sure they are ready for you. You need to do this 4-6 hours before you arrive!  Thank you

When it’s just a small event – please use the Disabled Toilets and Showers on the end of the main Toilet/Shower blocks as these are working 24/7

Yes you can!

Generators (small quiet ones) are very welcome but we ask you please to ensure they are off by 10pm and not ON before 7am Please.

We ask you please to be considerate to your neighbours, especially those with sleeping children!.

Pick your spot carefully, so to cause as little nuisance to other campers as possible, thank you!

Yes you can! There is a family friendly company in Buckingham who knows our campsite and can help you out. Speak to Stuart or Harry.

Contact info:

Home Farm Yard, Bourton, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 7DU

Tel: 01280 822282

Email: [email protected]

Yes – for Moto GP and F1 (only) we will have a limited amount of Electric Hook ups available. Please email for details/Availability : [email protected] or have a look here:  F1 Hook Up   or  MOTO GP Hook Up 

You are also able to bring your own small generator – see another FAQ for more info

Of course you can, that’s all part of camping, but please do not put directly on to the grass. Bring some bricks with
you to put the BBQ on to avoid the grass catching fire. Please wet grass around the BBQ before you start and keep lots of water near the BBQ in case the grass catches fire. Also DO NOT put it in your tent – major risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Please read Silverstone Fire Safety 2019 leaflet here.

All pitches on grass.

Good News! – You can now charge your mobile phone or battery pack.  It’s at your own risk, so probably best to leave a battery pack there and look after your well loved phone!

We have Charging lockers available for F1 and Moto GP – They cost £30 each for the weekend. Details can be found here:

So don’t forget to bring those in car chargers and battery packs

For F1& MotoGP 2023 There is a vending machine on site  from lifesaver, they may be available in future years too:

Yes that’s absolutely fine, when you pay for camping, it includes your parking, so feel free to take down your tent and pack it away in the car. Leave your car with us, then beat the traffic when you want to go home.

If you are a Saturday night camper: Your camping includes Sunday parking, as well as the Saturday parking if you arrive early enough!

Of course you can, that’s all part of camping, but please do not put directly on to the grass, bring some bricks with you to put it on to avoid the grass catching fire. Also DO NOT put it in your tent – major risk of carbon monoxide poisioning.

Sorry no, it’s a pitch price that includes up to two adults and two children (under 14). We are still very reasonably priced even for one. – So why not bring a friend for no extra cost!

Of course you can. Ask who ever gets there first to mark you out a spot to camp in, to stop any one else camping there. We only ask that you pay us the camping prices as per the website on arrival i.e. we do not want a long list of situations like, Ben is joining us and we will pay for him etc. it is far too confusing for us.

Please either come all together or pay separately (at the prevailing price on arrival) on the gate when you arrive please!



For F1/MotoGP Non electric hook up you need a QR code to scan on arrival, hence if not arriving together you need have a separate ticket and hence separate QR codes.

Please look at our accessibilty page for details:

Sorry we can’t do this – we love to be helpful, but this is something we can’t manage.  You can come on site anytime and mark your own pitch area – as long as it’s not where we have fenced for non camping. Come down the Wednesday of the main race week, and get your area reserved, if you’d like to!

Bear in mind though we can’t police your pitch and can’t be sure that someone naughty doesn’t come and move your posts while you’re not looking!

The maximum stay is six nights, this is all that our licence allows.

We don’t have any strict time restrictions. We just recommend that if
you leave on a F1/MotoGP Sunday you wait for the traffic to ease before heading
off. If you are staying until Monday then we ask for you to be vacated
by lunchtime to allow us to start site clean up.

Good News:

We now have the Pit Stop Cabin for you to use – There are four permanent hair driers availbale to use with large mirrors so you can keep yourself looking good!

Please note we are sorry, but we still have to say NO to  plug in HAIRDRIERS and Hair STRAIGHTNERS… they have a huge electrical pull on the system and if we are not careful they will blow the system – as we are in a rural location, we don’t have unlimited electrical supply… so we like the electric to go to keeping the showers hot! So Please leave your plug in devices at home, thank you.

We have two permanent Toilet Waste Disposal Points, for F1 a third is also available.

One is on the side of the main drive in field 1 – the field you arrive in

Second is at the second purpose built Toilet & Shower Block next to Field 3.

Yes you can now freeze your ice packs – there is a freezer near the shower block for your use.  It’s just for ice packs, and not for food and drink.

Remember you’d be leaving your ice packs at your own risk… but generally folks are nice and so all should be fine!  You might also like to label them to avoid any confussion!

Well, it rather depends on your supermarket…. but you could ask them to deliver and the post code (MK18 5LH) will bring them straight to the campsite gate BUT BUT BUT You must be there to meet them and take delivery.  We can not be there to help you and there is no where for shopping to be stored for you!

There are two ways of doing this and we are happy to charge what ever works out cheaper

First way – Six Adults equates to three pitches – so you need to pay for three pitches, even though there are only two tents.

Second Way – Pay for two pitches to cover for 2 tents and  4 adults,  and then pay the extra person price per head as per the event prices on the website.

We and the animals that graze over winter would really rather you didn’t, as smashed glass is not good for human or animal feet.

Please bring plastic bottles when ever you can! Thank you

F1/Moto GP Electric Camping FAQ

For any queries you may have about our hookups please view and download the following guide:

pdf Download info on Electric Hookups

EHU Pitch Layout of vans tents

That’s the flattest part of the farm!

EHUs will be situated at the back of the campsite, 900m away from our entrance.  It will be a 30 – 35 min walk from the hookup area to Club Corner at Silverstone which is 1500m or so – bring your push bike!   We request noise levels to be kept low but cannot be guaranteed.

Camping on Electric Hook Up:  Yes – Use your booking number and surname then click ‘Amend booking’

Remember you only have 7mx8m  on an electric pitch – you might need to book another electric hook up pitch – it might be cheaper or more sensible  in the long runcheck the pricing here: –

Note – we will not reserve Electric Hook Up Pitches. However if you want to camp  next to your friends who also have an electric pitch booked. Arrive together so you can camp next to each other.

F1 & Moto GP Electric pitches will have power switched on at 6pm on Wednesday evening.

Power will be switched off at 9am On Monday morning.

Parking FAQ

For 2023 we are not offering  Parking for General Public for F1 & Moto GP

There are some options for those camping on site and for those camping else where who need longer term parking.

See these links for more information

We are situated south west of Silverstone circuit near to Club Corner.
Access us from the Dadford Road either from Silverstone & the A43 or
from Dadford/Buckingham direction.

When you park with us you will arrive at Silverstone on foot at vehicle
entrance West 13, where car park 40 is situated. From here you will
access Silverstone via pedestrian gate 15

Directions can be found here.

You can come and park from 5am. Anytime before 5am is taken as camping & camping prices apply. We ask that you leave by Dusk for safety of others. After 9pm Camping prices will apply even if you are not sleeping in your vehicle.

The only time there may be a queue is on the F1 Grand Prix Sunday or
Moto GP Sunday‚ just after the race, when lots of people want to go
home at the same time. There are queues getting out of Silverstone
everywhere at this point!. However, by parking/camping with us, you have
already cut out the main Silverstone carpark queues, so you should be
ahead of the game! Two exits to the Dadford Road will be in operation
for post Race F1 on Sunday (only).

By far the *best advice to avoid queues* is to delay your departure,
*stay on at Silverstone**until 7pm* *on Sunday * and enjoy the after
races and after race entertainment, or if you are camping and it is
sunshining, sit in the sun (hopefully!) and enjoy yourself and leave
when there is no queue! Much less stressful for you than joining the
traffic! Better still -*stay until Monday!* You are welcome to keep
your tent up on Sunday and do the packing up after the race while other
people clog up the roads with their cars!

Please note that if you do stay Sunday night after f1 – there is
sometimes a queue at 9.30am getting on to the A43 – its usually better
to go towards Buckingham (right out of our gate)

Car parking is generally on grass, occasionally on stubble fields.  No there is not hardstanding (generally) available for car parking.

You park at your own risk, you must drive very slowly and sensibly where directed, some areas may be a little uneven.  You are parking on farmland, not on town car park!

We can accomodate most things – even winnebegoes…..we have a lot of space which helps us accomodate pretty much everything!

As there is lots of space this is fine to have more than one car BUT our pitch price includes one vehicle only (ie one car/Van/campervan/motorhome) SO you will need to pay the daily car parking charges for the extra vehicle even if the car is not coming and going each day.

You are welcome to use our toilet facilities and on-site catering when parking with us.

We are happy to welcome everybody to our site, however we are an open
field in open countryside. Parking is on grass and we are not ideal for
Disabled persons.

You will also be walking on a grass verge & the main road for 450m.
Safety is a concern for wheelchairs and push chairs. Please see our
Accessibility page <>.

We strongly advise you therefore to park at Silverstone – we believe you
need to apply for a disabled access pass:

Silverstone is also served by Event Mobility for scooter hire –   Please note that the pick up point
for scooters is a long way from us – probably 20-25 min walk

You can sleep in what ever you like – but it’s still Camping, so you must be on the campsite, not the carpark!

Parking: You must leave site at the end of the day and not return until after 5am the following day.
Camping: Is staying over night and the following day. Camping prices therefore apply.
If you are sleeping in your car,van or any vehicle‚ camping prices still apply.